FIRST LTTA – Narrate Project
April 15, 2022
Third Transnational Project Meeting – Narrate Project
May 4, 2022Narrate activities in Elmer
Elmer Stad
Here some pictures of our information board to parents and colleges about our two narrate activities in Elmer in de Stad.
The first one is about stickers – the children were interested in animal toys and boxes, but they soon discovered the stickers that were on the boxes, they pulled them off and put them back again. From there on they kept on looking for stickers and ways to pull off and stick it back again.
The second story is about cleaning – first the babies were interested in boxes, blocks and things to build …it was presented on a light projector. When a sponge was added to the blocks, we saw that one of the children wanted to taste and experiment mainly with that. So they offered other cleaning materials. Every day cleaning, scrubbing, washing windows was a hot topic for long time. Even at home she liked to help clean (see pictures mother brought in).
One of our toddlers has been triggered by physical games her (grand)father plays with her. She wanted to play the same way with one of the baby's in the group. Continuing on this interest in physical activities and physical connection, we did several Sherborne activities.